Prince Mk Makiri

Recent rumors were circulating across Niger State about the passing of the famous Nupe singer and award-winning actor, Prince Mk. However, the singer himself put an end to these rumors by releasing an amazing hit track titled “Makiri”, which means “hater” in English. The song is aimed at people who spread fake news about his death.

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As soon as the song was released, it became an instant hit among the masses. The catchy beats and meaningful lyrics resonated with the listeners, and the song quickly went viral. Due to popular demand, the song has been revived and brought back to the limelight.

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While it’s not necessary to explain the lyrics of the song in detail, it’s worth mentioning that the song is a powerful message against the spread of fake news and the harm it can cause. The song is available for download, and we highly recommend giving it a listen to enjoy the cool lyrics and appreciate the message behind the song.

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Download Prince Mk Makiri

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