Steps to start Importation Business from China to Nigeria 2024

Steps to start Importation Business from China to Nigeria 2024: For half of the decades now in Nigeria, mini importation businesses have become business people are interested In venturing but there don’t much idea about how to start.

People that are in to importation business are making money and you want to start, I want to you chill and calm yourself and read this to the end.

I know before you get to this website you have read a lot of articles from different people teaching importation business online or even online charging huge amounts of money for training but students end up not getting exactly the information they need.

I don’t want to discredit anyone or neither promote a course for anyone or myself but I want to let know that this article will provide you value more than the course you will get online.

Before coming up with this article, I tested this importation business and jotted down the process of how to start an importation business in Nigeria.

I won’t only talk about the process but I will also talk about challenges people normally face when starting an importation business for the first time and how to solve the problems you may encounter.

The importation business is beyond a Chinese website and making a purchase, there are many things you need to know starting from choosing products to starting important down to shipping to Nigeria.

So now let me start with challenges you may likely face when starting an importation business for the first time especially if you are using the website for sourcing your products.

Challenges of importation Business

1. Language: why I mention language first because when you visit all websites will be in Chinese and you will need a translator before exploring the site.

2. Wrong product description: most products on the site have wrong product descriptions and if you don’t carefully you will order the wrong product, I’m not saying the products are not good but what I mean is that instead of reordering a Mobile phone you will end of buying porch of Mobile phone

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3. Payment: another challenge you will face is when you want to make payments for your products Nigeria cards don’t make international transactions and doesn’t accept Dollars.

Here is the solution to the challenges I mentioned above:
1. Language: First of all use the website instead of the app although you can use their app and download the translator app and highlight text it will be stressful, so I suggest their website. Use the Chrome turn-click option and click the translator.

2. Wrong product description: to avoid ordering different things from what you want to order initially. You must be careful when reading product titles and make sure you description before placing an order and checking reviews Also

3. Payment: this is the problem many people face when exploring for the first time. So you can use the Alipay app for the payment using an arocprocurementnt to help you make payments. You can contact me if you need assistance with payment.

Challenges and solutions let’s talk about questions people ask when hearing about important business.

How Much can I start importation Business with

Everybody asked this question at begging and this is what is stopping most people from starting an importation business. This should not be an issue at all because you can start an important Business with as little as ₦20,000, ₦50,000 upward depending on your niche and then the products you want to start importing

Is Importation Business profitable?

A lot of people ask me this question whenever I suggest to them to start an Importation Business. I usually ignore it because I always feel it’s the first sign of unseriousness but I think there is a a need for me to answer it here because I discovered everyone would like to know to decide when to start and how to start.

Yes, the Importation Business is Profitable and a profitable Importation Business depends on the products you are importing and the customers you are targeting.

For example, you can get Snickers from China at a rate of ₦1500 and resell in Nigeria at a rate of₦8000. That’s just examples of how profitable importation Businesses can be.

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Now let’s start with the process of how to start an Importation Business from China to Nigeria in 2024.

Steps to start Importation Business from China to Nigeria 2024

1. Choose Niche

Your first step to start an Importation Business is to choose a Niche. Choose Niche will help you understand your business and identify your potential customers. Niche helps you understand what your customers need.

After you have chosen Niche, the next thing to do that helps you is to pick products you want to start importing from China to Nigeria.

As a beginner it’s will very hard for you to sell random products in your niche instead pick one product and start importing, later when you start and see how the Business then you expand to other products related to the one you are selling.

Find Suppliers

After choosing Niche and having products you want to start importing from China to Nigeria. The next step is to find Chinese suppliers who supply the products you are selling.

When finding a supplier it’s important to read reviews about the supplier and also check product quality to avoid problems in your business.

To find Suppliers you can visit any Chinese marketplace website such as Alibaba,, AliExpress and

Find Logistics Agent

Find a logistics agent is very important for your business because it helps you deliver your goods on time and also most logistics help you make payments. You can pay logistics with your naira then they pay the supplier in Chinese yuan or dollars. How to find a logistics agent to help you ship from China to Nigeria is very easy. Go to Google and search for the best logistics company to ship from China to Nigeria. Enter blog posts and read reviews of any companies they provide and don’t forget to to their Facebook pages and see reviews people give in the comment section it will help you a lot.

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Logistics companies will help you do custom clearance and payment.


After you have a supplier and logistics company to help you ship from China to Nigeria. The next step is to make a payment to your supplier and give the supplier your logistics company warehouse in China.

Your logistics company will provide you with their warehouse address in China and you will give it to your supplier. After you make payment to the supplier and supplier will ship to your logistics company warehouse and the logistics company will ship to Nigeria immediately.

I can help you make payment to the supplier if you find it difficult to make payment maybe due to international transaction restrictions in Nigeria. You can contact me for assistance.

Here concludes the process of importing from China to Nigeria in 2024. Let me use the website to demonstrate how to find Suppliers and how to make payments from Nigeria.

How to Import from China to Nigeria using

Step 1. Visit
Steps 2. Search for the products you want to import.
Step3. Choose from results and click and read reviews of suppliers from other customers.
Step 4. Chat with suppliers ask necessary questions and also negotiate.
Steps 5. Give the supplier your agent’s address.
Step 6. Make payment to your supplier and the supplier will ship products to your agent.
Step 7. Products are now in your agent’s custody, your agent will ship your products from China to Nigeria based on your preference.

Finally, you have successfully ordered from China to Nigeria, it will take 4 weeks to 6 weeks to get to Nigeria depending on the company you are using and the methods of shopping you choose.

I hope you understand the process I explained in this article, if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section and I promise to answer your questions. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more business ideas and tips.

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